Economic Policy and Reforms Bootcamp funded by the EGP, USAID


With support of USAID Economic Governance Program, EBA will start new project for youth which will be related to the economic empowerment of young people and raising awareness on economic reforms and decision-making. Under the project EBA will develop and conduct the Economic Policy and Reforms Boot Camp for Georgian students.

The Boot Camp project aims to educate youth on new professions emerging from economic policy reforms. The project aims to design and implement activities aimed at raising the expertise of youth on economic policy-making process and advocacy.

Professions that are less known and popular among youth but offer a huge range of jobs and career paths. For example, the labor safety reform has increased the demand for labor safety officers, and recent reform of the insolvency system has triggered the need for the development of new insolvency practitioner professionals.

The EBA will sign the Memorandum of Understanding with its member companies who express the interest to join the initiative and offer students internship at their companies. They will be given access to the database of bootcampers. Therefore, all the successful graduates of the project will be given internship opportunity either at the EBA or one of its member companies.