EBA in cooperation with The USAID Economic Governance Program and Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) launched the youth project “Girls for Change”, the fourth season.
The event was hosted by Mrs. Mariam Lashkhi – First Deputy Chairperson at Foreign Relations Committee, Member of Education and Science Committee, Member of Gender Equality Council. Welcoming remarks were made by Mrs. Sophiko Skhirtladze – Project Management Specialist, Economic Growth USAID/Georgia; Mrs. Natalia Beruashvili – Chief of Party, USAID Economic Governance Program, Ms. Khatia Tsilosani – Member of the Parliament of Georgia; Mr. John Braeckeveldt – President of the EBA; Ms. Ketevan Gogotchuri – Program Officer of Europe and Eurasia at CIPE.
The goal of the project is to support girls in the development of leadership and management skills, to inform students about trade, and the investment environment.
After the sessions, students will have the opportunity to take part in a paid internship at the European Business Association and other partner organizations.