Energo Aragvi

Energo Aragvi

Website: http://www.energo-aragvi.ge/

Country of Origin: Austria, Georgia          

Sector: produce clean energy


Energo-Aragvi was founded in 1998 aiming to produce clean energy
by using local river ‘Aragvi. At that time it was planned only to develop SHPP
Gudauri. But the future perspective has been extended and additional Projects
appeared in the pipeline, such as SHPP ARAGVI 1 and SHPP ARAGVI 2.
Environmental issues are taken into account in each of the projects design and
implementation phases. The company efforts obey a simple rule: “You cannot
build against nature”. 

Besides the production of clean renewable energy the project follows
sustainable development, reforestation by own tree nursery, hydro grass
seeding, river control structures against flood water events and water
management by a balance reservoir.
In August 2021 the company has won the EU prize for Contemporary Architecture
for its second HPP.