Chairman of the EBA John Braeckeveldt attended Investors Council meeting chaired by Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili aimed at discussing Council’s plans for 2023-2024

Chairman of the EBA John Braeckeveldt attended Investors Council meeting chaired by Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili aimed at discussing Council’s plans for 2023-2024.
Topics discussed included internationalization of Georgia’s education system, cooperation within the scope of the Black Sea Platform, development of the Middle Corridor Transit Route as well as the IC’s engagement in the process of the European integration. The members of the Investors Council expressed their readiness to fully support every step of the Government designed to bolster Georgia’s EU integration and the successful implementation of the Association Agreement.
EBA is pleased to represent its member organizations and their interests in the Investors Council as well as any local or international platforms.

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