PPD on Public Procurement – Czech Embassy

The EBA, in coalition with the Infrastructure Constructor Companies’ Association, presented a joint document Remarks and Positions on the Draft Law on Public Procurement in compliance with the EU Directive #2014/24/EC, 2004/18/ EC. The hybrid event was hosted by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Georgia. The meeting was opened by Czech Ambassador Petr Mikiska. Welcoming remarks were made by the Chairmen of the Boards of EBA and ICCA, John Braeckeveldt and Zviad Toidze.

Government Tenders and Public Procurement issues are one of the challenging topics identified by EBA members. Therefore, the document presented contains the remarks and positions developed by the Association, based on the opinions of member companies and with the involvement of an international expert. The document was provided to the Government and the Parliament of Georgia. The document has been developed through the help of the “To Do Club” and with the strong support of CIPE (Center for International Private Enterprises).